Chronic Constipation

Chronic Constipation

Constipation is one of the biggest digestive complaints about people across the globe. Patients suffering from chronic constipation can go through some of the irritating symptoms such as a headache, bloating, irritation etc. Not to mention it is a time consuming and expensive problem to get rid of. It is estimated that each year few crores of Indians visit a doctor to address chronic constipation and buy drugs worth millions.

What is chronic constipation?

There is no proper definition of chronic definition. For some it could be irregular bowel movement for 7-8 days, for others it could be a difficulty of passing stools. While others could describe chronic constipation as something that feels like a bowel movement, but the stool doesn’t pass even after sitting for long. A chronic patient with constipation can have small, hard or a combination of small and hard stool. One easy way to understand a chronic constipation symptom is the frequency of stool passing. For a constipation patient, the stool passes less than thrice a week and the tendency lasts for more than 6-7 months at stretch, if not treated.

The pain point of chronic constipation:

Patients suffering from chronic constipation often undergoes distress and anxiety due to lack of knowledge about their situation. Magnified fear about the root cause of the problem along with acute discomfort can make life difficult. Constipation can slow down the performance of a person and restrains from engaging in recreational activities. It is not uncommon for a person to get into depression. It is therefore important to consult a doctor to address the problem.
